סגולות - לקט תפילות וסגולות

by Duz Productions

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Purple and prayers by topic:successPairinglivelihoodDreamssuccessFinding an apartmentPrayer for boysAnd more (updated and added)Purple word appears in the Bible six times nickname the people of Israel and to mark the one great God who has given to his people. For example:"And Ath supposing Smoa Tsmao Bkli and Smrtm At Briti and Hiitm me Sglh Mcl the peoples Ci me Cl earth" (Exodus Chapter shall review the sentence).Book of Chronicles, chapter fees, verse J. term "purple" describes those treasures hoarded David construction of the temple.Declaration of Ecclesiastes, chapter, verse H. "virtue of kings" talks about the treasures of kings.According to most commentators, The word is unique and precious treasure. Other places have begun to use the word as an expression of special features or capabilities that a particular person or object, often used the word as a nickname, this contradicts the natural way. Only in the Middle Ages began to use the phrase to mark certain object or action used for maintaining and benefits per person believes them.